12 years ago I was politically active, and everybody told me to shut the fuck up. Now it’s my turn.

When I was in my late teens and early 20’s, I was extremely political. I couldn’t bash George W. Bush and the Republican Party enough. Everything and anything the Republicans did was wrong and evil, and Bush and Cheney were like Emperor Palpatine and Darth Vader, hellbent on destroying freedom and everything I ever loved.

And I wasn’t entirely without justification. After all, Bush did drag us into one of the largest quagmires in US Military history, possibly only second to Vietnam. To this day, I still maintain that the invasion of Iraq was an illegal and bullshit action, and that Bush should have been placed on trial for crimes against humanity or something of that nature. Americans are still dying to this very day because of his actions, 10 years after he left office. That’s pretty fucking terrible. A lot of people try to pass this one to Obama by saying that Obama could have pulled everyone out. A trip through this site’s archives will show I’ve never been a fan of Obama either (in fact I’m about 90% sure he was a card-carrying communist), but you can’t expect him to simply say “Alright boys, pack it up and go home. We toppled their country, now let’s leave them to fix it themselves!” Bush left Obama a hell of a fucking mess, there wasn’t too much more Obama could have done on this one.

Whenever I would talk about this with coworkers or friends or others, I was considered crazy and basically told to shut the fuck up and stop being political. Only crazy weirdos are political, AJ! Nobody cares about politics, AJ! Politics and religion make for bad conversation, AJ!

Well, it’s come full-circle.

Suddenly everyone everywhere is a hardcore political activist with an undying loyalty/hatred for whatever political cause or politician is considered “hot-button” by the media. Everywhere I turn, I’m being slammed in the face with bullshit about why Donald Trump is evil incarnate, or why all Democrats everywhere are drooling at the mouth sexual deviant retards who want communism. Every armchair activist from here to California has taken to the internet to inform the other side of why their own viewpoint is the only possible right one, and anyone who doesn’t agree with them is a cuck/fascist/Nazi/commie/pussy/faggot/terrorist. Even the most innocuous of things are being derailed and diverted by this bullshit.

And I’m fucking tired of it.

I’m pretty sure that this is my punishment for being so politically in-your-face when I was younger. Was I this bad? I have no clue, but I’m tired of not being able to go anywhere, do anything, or watch anything without someone trying to cram a political agenda down my fucking throat. Politics are being inserted into literally everything. Of course, 95% of it is Trump-bashing. We get it, Trump is crude, crass, and vulgar. It’s time to stop cramming references and insults about him into literally every piece of media. I’m not defending Trump here, the Bill Clinton shit in the 90’s got old fast too. I’m just tired of literally every comedy I try to watch having some kind of politically-charged commentary about how Trump is the second coming of Adolf Hitler and all his supporters are evil Nazi fascists. It wouldn’t bother me so much if the commentary was at least unbiased, but it’s not. It’s literally all against Trump and the Republican Party. This is quite literally the definition of a smear campaign. For fuck’s sake, there was a media blow-up because he had two scoops of ice cream at a state dinner. I’m not a Trump supporter, but holy fucking shit, lay off just a little. If there’s one group I trust less than politicians in this country it’s the fucking media. Unlike politicians, the media has zero accountability, and their only true allegiance is the Dollar. The media has the power to start riots and wars, and they take full advantage of this quite often.

Where was all this outrage at Bush? Yeah, there was some outrage, but nowhere near as much as there is now about anything Trump does. Bush starts a war that plunges the country into a debt it still hasn’t recovered from and costs thousands of lives? “That kinda makes me angry, I guess!” Trump makes a vulgar comment about women? “HANG HIM FROM HIS FUCKING BALLS! GRRR I HATE DRUMPF HE IS SO EVIL!!!” Nobody wanted to go after Bush for serious crimes, but everyone wants Trump drawn and quartered for some bullshit remarks? Let’s get real here for a minute, any guy who legit got upset about Trump saying “Grab’em by the pussy” is a deluded fucking idiot and needs to come down off their high horse and stop pretending like they’ve never made sexually derogatory remarks about a woman before. Every guy has done it, and I’m sure every woman has done it too about men. Meanwhile, we had Bush making jokes about looking under tables for the non-existent WMDs in Iraq. Where was the moral outrage there? He was making jokes about something that cost thousands of American lives, but the most it got was a couple of showings on CNN and an article from Alex Jones.

Like I said, I’m not a Trump supporter. The point I’m trying to make here is that suddenly everyone and their mother is some kind of politically-charged asshole who can’t keep their shitty and mostly malformed opinions to themselves. It’s becoming next to impossible to ignore, infiltrating nearly every aspect of life. People went from shrugging off political talk to being the next Michael Moore/Rush Limbaugh. One extreme to the other.

It’s no longer considered taboo to talk politics, and it’s dividing the fucking shit out of us. Families are tearing themselves apart, longtime friendships are being dissolved, and even marriages are ending over this shit. It’s leaking into our TV shows, our music, our movies, and our fucking video games. People are literally being fired from jobs for supporting political parties. Right now Twitter is full of retards howling for a boycott of In N Out Burger because they donated to the Republican Party. Seriously? We’re just going to destroy people and businesses now because they don’t align with whatever political views the media tells us to have? But we’re cool with places like McDonald’s routinely providing shitty and sub-par service while serving food loaded with borderline dangerous chemicals meant to cause addiction? America really has its priorities out of whack. We’re heading down a very dangerous path, this is how dictatorships happen.

I’m tired of the bullshit from both sides. Nobody wants to find middle ground on anything, nobody wants to have serious discussions about the serious issues at hand that are affecting not just our country but the entire world. Everyone is busy giving the other side the middle finger and screaming loyalist slogans. Society went from being apathetic to the point of idiocy to being a bunch of self-important twats who think their shit actually matters. Half the fucking shit I hear people say on both sides is usually wrong or twisted and misinterpreted, and god forbid I fucking try to correct them. I’ve had my head ripped off by conservatives and liberals alike for simply explaining to them that whatever quote they’re parroting was taken out of context and doesn’t mean what they think it means.

When the guy who calls himself “Angry_Jerk” is telling you to calm the fuck down, you know you have a fucking problem. Stop filling my Facebook feed with your nonsense, stop raping my ears with your skewed viewpoints, leave my fucking TV shows, movies, and video games alone. Get your head out of your ass, your opinion doesn’t fucking matter as much as you think it does. Shut the fuck up and stop getting worked up over stupid shit. The assholes getting you worked up are laughing all the way to the bank at your expense.

Get over yourselves, America.

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By Angry_Jerk

The CEO/Editor-in-chief of AJnet, and the current king of internet ranting. Hailing from the fine village of Northeast Philadelphia, AJ has been creating content on the internet for over 15 years. None of it has really been funny or entertaining, but he keeps trying anyway. When he’s not creating new articles for the site, he can be found hitting the weights, watching anime, or playing retro video games.