Hot Frosty is NOT Frosty!
Contrary to popular belief, I am NOT involved with the movie Hot Frosty!
Muggheads, I’ve been stolen from! Cheated! Bamboozled! Robbed! Pilfered!
There’s this movie on Netflix called Hot Frosty. You’re probably thinking it’s a movie about your pal Frosty, right? Well it’s NOT!
I didn’t know about this movie until my gay friend Edwin told me about it. You know how he told me about it?
No, really, do you? I forgot. Hold on, let me grab another beer to jog my memory.
Hey you know what’s a good song? “Thanks for the Memories” by Fall Out Boy! (The title is “Thnks fr th mmrs” ~Ed.)
Edwin told me about Hot Frosty when he kept calling me “Hot Frosty” over and over again. At first I thought that he was hitting on me. Frosty’s bus doesn’t stop there, folks! I politely told Edwin that I respected his lifestyle but it wasn’t for me. Edwin explained that he wasn’t hitting on me, and after asking me why I always think he’s hitting on me he explained that Hot Frosty was actually a movie about a snowman that comes to life. What a stupid idea for a movie. You’re right AJ, Hollywood really HAS run out of ideas!
Edwin told me that this movie is about a snowman who comes to life and marries a lady. The snowman’s name is Jack and he’s a handyman. As if it wasn’t bad enough they used MY name, they had to be DIRTY PERVERTS too!! I’m not going to get all high and mighty hoity-toity and pretend that I don’t like to dance with myself sometimes, but it’s rude to talk about it in public. You know what else is rude? Making a whole damn movie about it and attaching MY NAME to it!
Be right back, grabbing another beer and putting on a Billy Idol song.
The CHEAP HACK who made this movie is trying to cash in on the Frosty Mugg brand without giving Frosty Mugg any cash! You can’t just slap my name on your movie so people go see it! How about I slap YOU, Netflix? Have you ever been slapped by someone with long fingernails? I have! It really hurts. I don’t have long fingernails, but if I did I would slap Netflix with them really hard for STEALING MY NAME!!!
Everything sucks since I found out about Hot Frosty. Now Edwin won’t stop calling me “Hot Frosty” and AJ keeps asking why I didn’t write anything last month. Gee AJ, sorry I didn’t have the time to write articles for you. I guess I was too busy BEING STOLEN FROM BY NETFLIX!
This is too much. I need another beer!
When it rains it pours, readers! It has come to my attention that I’m almost out of beer. I’d better wrap this one up soon!
I wanted to sue Netflix for stealing my name, but I talked to that Jamir guy at AJ’s company and he said I can’t sue them for using the name Frosty. So apparently anyone can just use anyone else’s name and make stupid movies about snowmen playing with themselves. Good to know! And speaking of knowing stuff I let my friend Alex know too and he said he’s gonna write an article exposing the truth about Netflix. Thanks Alex!
Readers, your pal Frosty Mugg has absolutely NOTHING to do with the Netflix movie Hot Frosty! There’s nothing hot about me. In fact, I like my beer COLD! Don’t watch that movie, and don’t support these thieving bastards!