Homework is stupid!!
I hate doing homework!
Why do I have to do homework? Homework is so stupid. I spent all day at school doing work and now you want me to do work at home too?
Yesterday was Friday. We spent all day learning about multiplication tables. I couldn’t wait for the day to be over so I could go home and eat pizza and play games with Jay and Brandon. But what does Ms. Lana do? She gives us homework!!! Homework on the weekend! Giving homework on the weekend should be made illegal and if I become president I’ll make it illegal to give kids homework on the weekend and any teacher who does will go to jail!!
I hate doing homework so much. When I come home I want to play Fortnite not do stupid multiplication tables. What is 5 x 5? I don’t freaking care! Ask me what the coolest Fortnite skin is. That’s an easy question, because the answer is Potassius Peels! Jay says Potassius is stupid but Jay is stupid because he likes Verge. Verge sucks nobody likes Verge. Potassius is a banana and I like bananas and so does everybody else. Except for Jay because he’s stupid.
One time I lied to my mom and told her I didn’t have any homework when I really did. Everything was fine at first but then she looked in my bookbag and saw that I did have homework. Then she told my dad and he hit me with his belt really hard because I lied. My dad said if I ever lie about homework again I’m grounded for three years but I think he’s lying because it’s illegal to ground a kid for three years. I should hit him with his belt for lying!!
My friend Jamie said he knows a Chinese kid and he said they don’t have homework in China. That sounds so awesome, I wish I lived in China and didn’t have to do homework. But my dad says they eat cats and dogs there too. I have a dog. His name is Dooley and he’s a Labrador retriever. He likes playing fetch with his tennis ball at the park. If I lived in China I wouldn’t have to do homework but they would eat Dooley so I would rather stay in America and do homework instead so the Chinese people don’t eat Dooley.
Homework is supposed to make me smart but it’s very boring and it just makes my head hurt. Especially when Ms. Lana gives it to us on Friday! Fridays are for the boys Ms. Lana not for homework!!