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Trump is back, here we go again.

Donald Trump is back, and so is the bullshit.

Today is Inauguration Day, which means Donald J. Trump will take office again in a historic second nonconsecutive term.

I haven’t been too shy about my opinion of Don. The guy’s a classless brash asshole, and I wouldn’t trust him to run a lemonade stand much less the most powerful country on Earth. Do I agree with some of his views? Yes. I’m all about putting America first and sending strong messages to our enemies. But I’m not about things like Trump’s apparent support for Israel in their campaign against Palestine that borders on genocide (I don’t support Hamas either, I already did a whole article on why I don’t support either side). I also think we need serious healthcare reform, though I don’t think making it completely free is the best way to do that. Donald Trump is a loudmouth who got elected because he successfully played on the fact that most people realize the Democrats are out of touch with reality when it comes to things like crime and the economy. He’s no different than a street preacher, and his behavior is better suited for being a pundit, not an actual politician.

The Dems pretty much handed Trump his reelection by putting Joe Biden in office in 2020, then trying to follow that up with Kamala Harris in 2024 (after forcing Biden to stand down). The Alzheimer’s patient who doesn’t know where he is half the time and some lady who has literally done jack shit her entire career. These were your best choices to go against a populist nationalist candidate? What was Kamala’s campaign anyway? What was she even going to do? The most I heard was plans to cap meat and egg prices. Because the government interfering in the economy always works out good, right?

But in any case, Trump won, and now we have to suffer four more years of bullshit.

No, I’m not talking about bullshit from Trump. I’m talking about bullshit from the left and their media mouthpieces, who will yet again make it their mission to treat every single thing Trump says and does like it’s the fucking Holocaust.

I don’t want to suffer through four more years of “ORANGE MAN BAD!!” inserted into every single piece of media. I’m tired of everything having to contain some kind of social commentary about how Trump is an evil fascist dictator with a bad hairpiece. It was bad from 2016 to 2020, it slowed down a little bit once Biden won in 2020, but it started to pick back up the year of the election. I can only imagine how bad it’s going to be from now until 2028. I’m exhausted, I just can’t fucking do it anymore man.

We’ve got four more years of media lunacy to look forward to now. I’m not trying to defend Trump here, but it should be obvious to anyone with even a modicum of intelligence that the media has a very clear vendetta against him. Sometimes everyone really is out to get you, and by all appearances the media is out to nail Donald to a cross. I have no problem with the media holding politicians accountable, but when the media only holds one side accountable that’s not journalism, that’s propaganda. Where was this accountability for Biden, who was sniffing little girls and trying to shake hands with people who weren’t there? Can you imagine if Trump did something like that? They’d be broadcasting it 24/7 for the next six months.

I’m sure we also have more George Soros-sponsored riots to look forward to in the major cities (speaking of George Soros, how the fuck hasn’t this old bastard died yet? Guy’s like 95 going on 150. It’s about time for you to drop dead, Soros). My favorite part of 2020 was when all the Democratic mayors stood aside and let rioters and looters tear their cities apart because of George Floyd. Here in Philly we called in the National Guard, but only to protect City Hall and the mayor’s house. The police were told to stand aside and let the looters run wild, but the moment the civilians got together to protect their neighborhoods and businesses, the mayor demanded the cops arrest them while accusing everyone of being racist. Nevermind the fact that there were also black community members and business owners who didn’t want their neighborhood torn to shreds by animals.

Rather than graciously admit defeat and focus on trying to help the American people, the Democrats would rather throw temper tantrums and cry like indignant children. Americans are tired of the Democrats’ childish behavior, that’s why Trump got reelected to a second nonconsecutive term and why the Republicans took control of the house. So instead of taking a look in the mirror and reevaluating their own approach, the left is going to scream and cry and continue pissing and shitting themselves about Donald Trump.

I don’t identity as right or left, I prefer to focus more on the idea than the person saying it. But I’m not going to sit here and pretend that the media isn’t blatantly promoting one side while relentlessly smearing the other, and I’m not going to pretend that the left aren’t acting like a bunch of overly-sensitive childish cunts. When Trump won reelection the suicide hotline was flooded with calls. Are you fucking serious? There are people with actual problems who need actual help, and you’re clogging up their support line because you’re upset about who won the election? You’re not mentally ill, you’re just a pussy. Suck it up and get over it.

We’re in for a Category 5 hurricane of tears, piss, and shit from spoiled left-wing crybabies who can’t accept their party’s loss. Strap yourselves in, the next four years are going to be a mess.

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Adam "Angry_Jerk" Baker is the CEO of the AJnet Organization, and the Editor-in-Chief of AJnet Magazine. He hails from the fine village of Northeast Philadelphia, where he lives with his wonderful and amazing girlfriend, who definitely isn't looking over his shoulder as he writes this.