AJnet ArchivesRantlister Archives

AJnet Archives: MaddyDave.com Parody

This month from the AJnet Archives: A parody of MaddyDave.com!

When I started doing the AJnet Archives and the Rantlister Archives before that, my main purpose was to save and repost old content. Content that, for various reasons, had been unpublished or was unfinished. My secondary purpose was to use that content to discuss the history of the two sites and the people associated with them. This still remains true as I continue the series to this day. The AJnet Archives and the Rantlister Archives are meant to be a sort of historical “behind the scenes” look at both AJnet and the old internet rant scene, while ensuring that some of the better content it produced doesn’t become forever lost to time.

Today though, we’re going to do something just a tiny bit different.

Today’s trip into the AJnet Archives will also be a trip into the Rantlister Archives. We’ll be covering an old beef that myself and Rantlister had with another rant site owner, a guy named Maddy who owned MaddyDave.com. The site is no longer up, but you can view it on the Internet Archive.

I’ll go into the details of the beef shortly, but the culmination of it was me making a full parody of MaddyDave.com and hosting it on my own site. What makes this AJnet Archives article different is the fact that I never actually unpublished the parody, it’s remained up on the site this whole time. I completely forgot about it until one day I was cleaning up files and found it sitting there.

You can view the parody I made of MaddyDave.com here.

I guess it’ll be easier if I break this one up into individual sections. My memory is a little iffy on a lot of this (honestly I’m just using this half-assed article as a flimsy pretext to share the parody site), so if you’re someone from the old days who was there feel free to correct me or add your own details and I’ll update the article accordingly. Even if it’s you, Maddy. I’d like to think that after 15 years the beef is long since squashed, and your memory of events might be more accurate than mine.



We came across MaddyDave.com when the owner, who went by the name Maddy Catha, submitted it to us for inclusion on the List. MaddyDave was named for its two main writers, Maddy and Dave/Rin. The site also had two other writers, a guy named Richy and a girl (supposedly) named Hannah.

Compared to some of the other sites on the List the site didn’t really have a lot of content, but it still seemed like it fit our criteria and showed promise so we included it with no hesitation. I don’t remember if we invited Maddy to join the Rantlister Forums or if he joined on his own, but either way he joined up and began posting with us.


What’s Beef? (The feud begins)

The Rantlister Forums could be a rough place for regulars and newcomers alike. After all, it was a group of some of the internet’s angriest assholes congregated into one place (our motto was “Mopping the world’s hatred into one bucket”). Our banter didn’t come from a hateful place, but it got brutal and excessive at times for sure.

Being the new guy, Maddy was the recipient of quite a bit of this banter. He went back at us, but I don’t think he understood that our insults and jokes were just us hazing him, so when he went back at us he came across as butthurt.

Of course, we pushed back even harder. I don’t remember exactly how it transpired, but the arguing got so excessive that either Bob or Bagoda ended up banning Maddy from the forum because he was acting like a little bitch. We agreed that we’d leave his site on the List though, because it was still an active rant site.



There was another website called They Banned Me. TBM was a community of people who had been banned from other forums because most of them were assholes who couldn’t play nice with others. As such, the forum was filled with all kinds of winners who probably licked school bus windows when they were younger.

I don’t know for sure how Maddy found TBM, I want to say it was Rin or Richy who brought him there. Either way though, Maddy joined TBM and told them about how he got banned from the Rantlister Forums, conveniently omitting the part about him acting like a little bitch.

His little support group gave him a pat on the ass and told him it wasn’t his fault, and he returned to our forum with a couple of TBM members to start a flame war with us. A couple of us returned the favor by going over to TBM to give them shit (and possibly post Goatse and Tubgirl). This admittedly stupid back and forth went on for a little bit, I’m pretty sure I got banned from TBM, and eventually the beef was relegated to each side simply staying on their own forum while shit talking the other. MaddyDave.com was removed from the List as well.


AngryJerk.net vs MaddyDave.com (The parody)

At some point Maddy found his way back over to the Rantlister Forums and again tried to start shit.

This time though, I got a little more creative with my counterattack.

Rather than flame him on the forums, I decided instead to take it to the next level. Two hours and a six pack later, and I came up with my own parody of MaddyDave.com, complete with a copy of his layout and a bunch of short articles.

There were a few imperfections, like the pages not having titles, parts of the layout not displaying correctly, and the counter at the bottom of the page breaking at some point (hence why it says “Maddy refreshed this page” at the bottom of every page). Also, I didn’t finish the intro paragraph, which is why it ends mid-sentence.

For the most part though, I was pretty pleased with how the parody site turned out. Most of the content was just stabs at Maddy’s weight, mocking their lack of a real audience, and criticizing the site for being unoriginal, but all things considered it wasn’t bad for only two hours worth of distracted work.


The Aftermath

People on both sides actually found the parody funny, even Maddy himself, and after that the beef died off and we left each other alone.

As an added bonus, my parody actually ended up overtaking his site on Google when you searched out “Maddy Dave”. This was when Google was actually still a search engine and didn’t favor advertisers, liberal politics, and SEO scammers, and my site had a good Alexa ranking (remember Alexa rankings? Damn). Maddy and his crew gave up on the site not long after. Was it because my parody just destroyed them that hard? Doubtful, they probably just lost interest in the internet rant scene like most of us did and moved on with their lives.

As for They Banned Me, TheyBannedMe.com is no longer online, and I’m not quite sure when or why it closed down. Good riddance, what a bunch of degenerates. Supposedly the guys who owned it were in Philly, but I never cared enough to investigate that. And honestly, what was I going to do, go beat them up over a few of their users? I’d like to think that they found something more productive to do with their lives than be shepherds to a flock of retards but who knows.

Anyway, that’s it for this one. Next month’s AJnet Archives article will be a removed article about a Back to the Future remake.

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Adam "Angry_Jerk" Baker is the CEO of the AJnet Organization, and the Editor-in-Chief of AJnet Magazine. He hails from the fine village of Northeast Philadelphia, where he lives with his wonderful and amazing girlfriend, who definitely isn't looking over his shoulder as he writes this.