Dear Truckers: Get the hell out of the left lane.

Dear Truckers: Get the hell out of the left lane.

What’s up with the sudden influx of truckers sitting in the left lane?

I already mentioned this in my last Rage Against the Road article, published back in May. I try not to rant about the same things over and over again on here, but sometimes something will just piss me off so much that I have to write about it again.

I’m sick and fucking tired of inconsiderate truckers driving their rigs in the left lane.

Most of my daily commute takes me on the Philadelphia corridor of I95, which has traditionally always been a three-laned clusterfuck. It’s bad enough getting stuck behind a Slowski, but now the truckers are getting in on the action too, dragging ass in the left lane while trying to pass another 18 wheeler also dragging ass in the middle lane.

Trucks in the United States are limited to do no more than 65 MPH on most highways, and in many states, like Pennsylvania, they’re not even allowed to be in the left lane at all except to turn or exit the highway. Yet every day now I find myself having to throw on my brakes and getting stuck behind a tractor trailer doing 65.7 MPH in the left lane to pass his equally retarded buddy in the middle lane doing 65.4 MPH. Sometimes there’s even a third trucker in the right lane doing 65.2 MPH, and together they form the Trio of Tards, clogging up traffic for everyone else on the road while they jerk each other off over CB about how they’re America’s lifeblood.

Why are there so many trucks on the road anyway? I thought we’ve been in a trucker shortage for the last four years? I complained about left lane truckers in May of last year, and while it was annoying enough to get a mention from me in a Rage Against the Road article, it only happened to me maybe once a week max. Since then there’s been a marked increase in trucks on the highway, and with that a disproportionate increase in these left lane riding idiots. The obvious explanation is that the trucker shortage caused many companies to compensate by lowering their hiring standards, resulting in a bunch of retards who just barely managed to get their CDLs being allowed on the road behind the wheels of 35,000+ lb vehicles. I’m talking bottom of the barrel dipshits, truckers who suck so hard that even Swift didn’t want them.

I want to say that the majority of truckers aren’t like these assholes, but it’s becoming so commonplace during my commutes that I’m just not sure anymore. This shit has become a daily occurrence in my life now, and it’s fucking frustrating. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been doing 80+ in the left lane (in my area the left lane isn’t really used for passing as much as it is for a fast lane) and suddenly some dumb fuck in a big rig decides he wants to dawdle his slow dumb ass into my lane doing 65. I’m forced to slow down to a crawl as I end up stuck behind the moron for the next five miles.

Where the hell are the state troopers? I see them sitting on the side of the road trying to catch speeders, so why aren’t they doing anything about trucks riding the left lane? Left lane truckers are more of a safety hazard than speeders by far, because now I’m forced to pass you on the right. There’s a reason it’s illegal to pass on the right in many areas. Not that you can pass on the right most of the time anyway, because another big rig is usually in the middle lane too keeping pace with his butt buddy on the left.

I’m not sure what trucking schools are producing and graduating these retards, but someone needs to get their shit slapped over this. I95 is already shitty enough, we don’t need these knuckleheads making it worse. You’re supposed to be professional drivers, fucking act like it. If you’re driving an 18 wheeler, stay the fuck out of the left lane. If that’s too tall of a task for you, then feel free to drive your rig off a bridge.

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By Angry_Jerk

The CEO/Editor-in-chief of AJnet, and the current king of internet ranting. Hailing from the fine village of Northeast Philadelphia, AJ has been creating content on the internet for over 15 years. None of it has really been funny or entertaining, but he keeps trying anyway. When he’s not creating new articles for the site, he can be found hitting the weights, watching anime, or playing retro video games.