Truth Troopers

The Truth™ about Chemtrails!

Just what the heck is going on up there? It’s about time we learned the Truth™ about chemtrails!

A big ol’ Texas howdy, Truth Troopers! I’m Alex Jonestown, former host of Truth Troopers Radio, and current defender of freedom and proprietor of the Truth™. My job is to tell you the Truth™, the whole Truth™, and nothing but the Truth™. So help me God!

A lot of you fine folks out there are interested in something called “chemtrails”. For years listeners have emailed me to ask about these mysterious lines in the sky. Truth Troopers everywhere want to know, what’s in these chemtrails. Just what in the hell are they pumping into the sky and into our lungs? Some of you think it’s some kind of toxic biological agent meant to harm us, while others say it’s nothing nefarious, just good old fashioned condensation from the jet engines.

I’m here to tell you that those are both wrong!

Alright readers, I admit ol’ Jonesy might have just exaggerated in that last statement. Both of those claims aren’t entirely wrong, but they’re not entirely right either. They’re what we call “Tru”, just half of the Truth™.

Before we get into the Truth™ about chemtrails, let me ask you a question. What is the purpose of an airplane? Why did those Wright brothers Wilbur and Orville build and fly the very first airplane, in defiance of the law of gravity? What made man want to expand his dominion to the skies above his head?

The answer is simple: Transportation!

Airplanes are a quick and convenient way to transport something or someone across great distances in a short amount of time. After all, the quickest route from point A to point B is a straight line! Now of course you could hop in your car and make that drive from Texas to California, but it’s gonna take you time. But you hop on that airplane and you’ll make it from Austin to Los Angeles in the time it takes to sing “Deep in the Heart of Texas”.

I already hear your confusion.

“Jonesy, just what in God’s good name does any of this have to do with chemtrails?”

Readers, have I ever steered you wrong? Whenever I tell you something, you can be damn sure that it’s the Truth™, or at least relevant to the Truth™! If I’m telling you about the purpose of an airplane after you asked me about chemtrails, then you can be damn sure there’s a link between the two.

Instead of asking what’s in those chemtrails, the real question we should be asking is what’s in those planes?

Whenever someone says “Don’t look up”, you can bet your sweet ass that the first goddamn thing ol’ Jonesy’s gonna do is look up. The same can be said for most people on this God’s green earth. If you tell us not to look up, we’re gonna look up! I know this, you know this, and The Powers That Be know this too.

The Powers That Be, those clever deviant bastards, they’ve taken this into account when they carry out their activities up there in the skies above our heads, looking down on us like they’re gods. They know they can’t stop the people from looking up, but they know they can sure as shit control what those people see when they do! They have their planes make a few fancy clouds, and the sheeple will focus on those clouds instead of the planes making them. Chemtrails are poison, but not in the way you think. They’re not a physical poison, they’re a poison of the mind. Chemtrails are just a distraction for what’s really going on up there! That’s right Troopers, while you’re busy staring at the pretty little clouds, those planes are up to something!

We’ve known each other for a while now, dear readers. By now you know that Jonesy doesn’t pull his punches, that I always swing full-force and try to deliver a knockout punch every single time. I could sit here and pat you on the ass like one of those talking media heads, telling you it’s okay, everyone makes mistakes, don’t worry. But I’m not gonna do that, because I don’t patronize my readers. You all should feel like goddamn fools, crying about clouds while The Powers That Be laugh right in your stupid faces! You should feel embarrassed! You should feel humiliated! And, by God, you should feel angry as hell! 

The Powers That Be pulled a fast one on you, feeding you some bull crap about “chemtrails” and making you look like a bunch of braying jackasses heehawing away about a conspiracy that isn’t there. You’re angry, you’re embarrassed, now what the hell are you gonna do about it?

I’ll tell you what you’re gonna do, Troopers. You’re gonna scream, you’re gonna holler, you’re gonna go right to those deceitful sacks of shit and demand the Truth™! You’re gonna look The Powers That Be right in the eye, and you’re gonna say “I know the Truth™ about your chemtrails, I know they’re just a distraction, now tell me the goddamn Truth™ about what’s in all those planes up there! What the hell are you transporting in my skies? Who the hell are you transporting? I want answers damnit!”

Next time you see a plane dumping chemtrails into the sky, don’t forget to actually look at the plane! Once we start looking at what’s in all those planes, then we’ll learn the Truth™ about what’s really going on right above our heads!

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Alex Jonestown

WARNING: TRUTH™ AHEAD! A proud Texan born and raised, Alex Jonestown is the former host of Truth Troopers Radio, a talk show that brought you the REAL news. Unfortunately The Powers That Be decided that America was not allowed to hear the Truth™ and shut down Alex's radio show. Now Alex has joined forces with AJnet to continue bringing the Truth™ to the American people and the world at large. We will not be silenced, the Truth™ shall set us free!